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Astronomy 101 Tentative Fall Schedule


Astronomy 101 Tentative Schedule 
#   Week of     Lab # 

New Schedule

1 Aug 26 0

Lab Safety

Introduction to Procedures and Reports

2 Sept 2 9 and 10 Introduction to Take Home Sun and Moon Labs
3 Sept 4 *** Labor Day - No Lab meetings this week
4 Sept 11 1 Intro to the Rotating Sky
5 Sept 18 2 Paths of the Sun
6 Sept 25 3 Basic Coordinates and Seasons
7 Oct 2 4

Planetary Orbits

Take Home Labs Checkpoint Due

8 Oct 9 5 Mass of Jupiter (Using Night Sky Software)
9 Oct 16 6 Solar System Models
10 Oct 23 7 Nature of Light Spectra (Physical)
11 Oct 30 8

Solar System Models

12 Nov 6 ***

Veteran's Day - No Lab meetings this week

Complete Sun/Moon Take home labs

13 Nov 13 9 and 10

Submit Moon and Sun Take home labs

14 Nov 20 *** Fall Recess - No lab meetings this week
15 Nov 27 11 or 12

Build Your Own Telescope (Physical)


The Sun (Physical)

16 Dec 4 11 or 12

Build Your Own Telescope (Physical)


The Sun (Physical)


17 Dec 11 *** Final Exam Week - No Lab Meetings This Week


Preparing for the next semester?

Spring Semester Page

Please check with your department tech if the schedule is not yet updated.