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Electrostatics Setup and Information

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Student Stations

12 Kits containing:

  • Electroscope with Spherical Terminal
  • 1 Disk Terminal  
  • Faraday Cup
  • Red Wool Cloth swatch
  • Rabbit Fur
  • Plastic Bag
  • 5 or 6   25cm Rods:
    • Glass
    •  Acrylic
    • PVC
    •  Nylon
    •  Polypropylene
      • (Polystyrene, Polyethylene, Rubber)





Instructor Stations

  • Electrostatics Demo Cart

lab equipment used

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Setup Instructions

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Student Stations

  1. Verify the contents of the box.
  2. The electroscope needs to be taken out.  The electroscope needs to have the spherical terminal attached and can be placed anywhere convenient at the station.
  3. Handle the cat fur from underneath.  The properties of the fur will be degraded when exposed to skin oils

Instructor Station

  1. Refer to Lecture-Demo list for contents of cart
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Teardown Notes

  • None
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In Progress / Beta

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