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Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Setup and Information


Student Stations

  • Sets aluminum cylinders with small hole
    •   (Diameters:  ½”, ¾”, 1”, 1 ¼”, 1 ½”; labeled A, B, C, D and E)
  • 50mL, Graduated cylinders
  • 100mL, graduated cylinders
  • Styrofoam cup
  • Pasco bluetooth temperature probe
  • digital scale ( located in room )
  • Aluminum cups, large stainless beakers for boiling water
  • Water Kettle ( located in room )
  • Hot plates ( for boiling water )



Instructor Stations

  • Stack of graph paper
  • Thread

*Note temperature probe shown is outdated, you will be using the pasco bluetooth probe

Lab Equipment Used




Setup Instructions

Student Stations

  1. Verify that all materials are present before proceeding to set up the lab.

Instructor Station

  1. None



Teardown Notes

  • None



1122a Pdf

In Progress / Beta