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Static Electricity Setup and Information

Setup Time Estimates

Setup Time Estimates
Initials of Tech Doing Setup Time Taken Notes
EL  45 minutes Includes 212 Telescope and Microscope teardown.


Student Stations

  • 2 Styrofoam plates
  • 1 Acrylic sheet
  • 1 Support stand
  • 1 Electrostatic kit
    • One Soda Can
    • One Tinsel piece (may need to be cut from foil balloon)
    • One Styrofoam Cup






Instructor Stations

  • Tape dispensers with scotch tape
  • Roll of cling wrap
  • Masking tape
  • Thread/scissors

Lab Equipment Used

cling wrap

scotch tape

Setup Instructions

Student Stations

  1. Verify that all materials are present.

Instructor Station

  1. None.

Teardown Notes

  1. None.



1122 a pdf

In Progress / Beta