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Physics 226 Tentative Summer Schedule


Physics 226 Tentative Schedule - T/Th Meetings
#   Date    Lab # 

Lab Procedure

1 May 28 1

Electrostatics Lab

2 May 30 2

Equipotential Surfaces

3 June 4 3

Ohm's Law

4 June 6 4

Series and Parallel Circuits

5 June 11 5

RC Circuits

6 June 13 6

Instrument Familiarization

RC Circuits - Time Dependence

7 June 18 7

Filter Circuits

8 June 20 8

Magnetic Interactions

9 June 25 9

Electromagnetic Interactions

10 June 27 10

LCR Circuits

Tuned Circuits


Preparing for the next semester?

Fall Semester Page

Please check with your department tech if the schedule is not yet updated.