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Astronomy Events!

Please send all questions on these events to the Physics Department Technicians.

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Astronomy Nights for ASTR 101

On select dates throughout the semester our department sets up for a night viewing for our Astronomy students. We aim for at least one night viewing per month, weather and health permitting.

These will be held in the Main Quad just north of McCarthy Hall at the time shown. If there is a change of plans for location we'll notify the instructors and post here.

Sun Labs

Two Weeks Each semester  we set out our safe solar viewing equipment for our lab courses and anyone interested!

Check out the Sun Labs page for times and information

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Spring 2025 Tentative Dates and Schedule:

Tentative Astronomy Nights Spring 25
Event Date Time Plan
ASTR Night 1



7:00 - 9:00 PM

Moon (Full moon/Snow moon), Jupiter (Perfect visibilty), Mars (Perfect visibilty)

ASTR Night 2


7:30 - 9:30 PM


Plan: Moon, Jupiter (Fairly good visibility), & Mars (Perfect visibilty)




7:00pm - 9:00pm






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photography of moon

students gathered for viewing at night

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telescope viewing of the moon

preparing for the night viewing

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