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Alexander Gauf

Alumni and Instructional Support Technician

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Sample Work

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astronomy display

See the Documentation section of the motionBall repo for engineering views/diagrams and full project report.


astronomy display


display Case LED


interactive Hat without outer shell

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Brief Introduction

Completed an embedded system for aerospace testing on contract work. Moved on to teaching computer science and physics after completing and shipping the system for the project.

Transitioned from teaching to instructional support involving general tech support, lab software/hardware maintenance, and a range of assistance tasks for research including circuit design/creation, programming, and financials. Also part of team to design and create new physics website using Omni CMS.

MS in software engineering gave experience and projects in Java, C++, C#, python, SQL as well as development experience with agile and waterfall.  Degree long project focused on embedded software development with Arduino and Android subsystems with Bluetooth communication. Contract work was in embedded software including PIC, unix, raspi, Arduino and others.

MS in physics involved writing computational programs in C++ and fortran to approximate solutions for quantum dot integrals, data analysis and presentation used MATLAB.

Familiar with version control in devops from contract work and git. 10+ years experience with advanced office use including excel sheet programming, word formatting and accessibility, etc.

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Certificate in Embedded Systems (In Progress 2024)

MS in Software Engineering from CSUF 2018

MS in Physics from CSUF 2015

BS in Physics with minor in Mathematics CSUF 2013

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Work History

Instructional Support Technician 3/Department Information Technology Coordinator: Dept of Physics – Full Time

01/2022 to present, I currently Work here, California State University Fullerton –Fullerton, CA

Handles department physical and software maintenance. Handles department budgeting and purchasing. Includes website and IT maintenance and processing. Includes circuit and system design and creation. Handles department and college events. Design and creation of basic C# programs  for classroom use.

Skills gained/used in position: Autocad, Solidworks, Autocad electrical, Azure Devops, C++, python, Arduino, raspberrypi, office, linux, git, labview, sql, C#.

Contract Software Engineer

06/2018 to 10/2018                DnB Engineering – Fullerton, CA

Worked alongside chief engineer to finish a project by providing software engineering expertise to a small team. Filled in every role needed to help finish the project as soon as possible including software design, development, electrical engineering, wiring, hardware interfacing and all stages of testing. Most work done in linux environment with

Skills gained/used in position: C, C++, python, Git, Azure Devops, Solidworks, eagle,4Dsystems, Agile, I2C, embedded software.

 Research Assistant Work

06/2010 to 03/2017    California State University Fullerton –Fullerton, CA

Problem solving for thermoelectric effect in quantum dot systems which then went into data analysis in C++, ftn95 Matlab and Mathematica for calculated approximations in quantum dot systems. Before that I did full time work for low energy scattering off biomolecules resulting in three publications in Phys. Rev. A.

Skills gained/used in position: fortran, C++, python, quantum physics, Matlab.

Instructor –Part time faculty: Computer Science and Physics

01/2015 to 05/2022    California State University Fullerton, and  Santiago Canyon Community College –Orange, CA

Taught many classes in introductory physics and advanced computer science including AI, Algorithms, C++, Grad software testing. Computer networking instructor for one year included python socket programming, layer model, wireshark from Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th Ed. , Kurose and Ross, Pearson, ISBN: 0133594149

Skills gained/used in position: AI, computer networking, Verification and validation, Mechanics, Electricity and magnetism, Physics of Sound, C++, Algorithm engineering, Linux.

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Instructor History

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Computer Science

CPSC 335 Algorithm Engineering

Algorithm design using classical patterns: exhaustive search, divide and conquer, randomization, hashing, reduction, dynamic programming, and the greedy method. Asymptotic and experimental efficiency analysis. NP-completeness and decidability. Implementing algorithms to solve practical problems.

CSPC 481 Artificial Intelligence

Using computers to simulate human intelligence. Production systems, pattern recognition, problem solving, searching game trees, knowledge representation and logical reasoning. Programming in AI environments.

CPSC 471 Computer Communcations

Introduction to digital data communications. Terminology, networks and their components, common-carrier services, telecommunication facilities, terminals, error control, multiplexing and concentration techniques.

CPSC 541 Software Verification and Validation

Theory and practice of software verification and validation (V&V), including software integrity levels, minimum V&V tasks, walkthroughs, inspections and clean room. Topics include: white-box and black-box testing, boundary value analysis, equivalence class partitioning, unit testing, functional testing and test plans

CPSC 120 Introduction to Programming ( C++)

Introduction to the concepts underlying all computer programming: design and execution of programs; sequential nature of programs; use of assignment, control and input/output statements to accomplish desired tasks; design and use of functions. Structured and object-oriented methodologies


Phys 305 - Physics of Sound

Phys 225 - Mechanics

Phys 226 - Electricity and Magnetism

Phys 227 - Modern Physics

ASTR 101 - Introduction to Astronomy

Labs - 225, 226, 227, Astr 101

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